Air Rescue is an action packed six-part TV series following the work of the Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Service. The show aired in primetime on major Australian free-to-air network Channel 7 for six connective seasons. Consistently winning its time slot week after week Air Rescue averaged 1.5 viewers nationally per episode delivering a 6:1 ROI for Westpac and a PR value of $2.2M.


Branded entertainment was a relatively new idea in Australia in 2012. Brands tended towards sponsoring programming that they can integrate into over creating content themselves. A handful of fully ad-funded shows were in market, but none were broadcast in primetime. There were no commercial legal restrictions for the 3 free to air channel groups other than regulating programming to appropriate audiences, such as adult content after 7pm.


Westpac, Australia’s first bank, has been proudly supporting Australia and its people for nearly 200 years. A key demonstration of this was the bank’s on-going support for The Westpac Lifesaver Rescue Helicopter Service (WLRHS). 

In September 2013, Westpac celebrated the 40th anniversary of their partnership. 

The objective was to increase awareness of Westpac’s involvement, while improving brand perception and consideration among its ‘financially confident and active’ target market. 

The challenge was doing so in a way that didn’t appear self-serving and pushing the bank’s commercial agenda, two traits our audience believed banks were guilty of. 


Our strategy was to show Westpac’s support for the WLRHS, not just talk about it. We needed to be subtle yet engaging. 

To do so we did something never done before in Australia. 

We devised, designed, and produced a TV series broadcast, in primetime, on Australia’s biggest TV network supported by channel promos and a suite of online complimentary content. 


Air Rescue - an edge-of-your-seat factual series that rewrote the observational documentary genre by skilfully blended the best cinematic storytelling together with the idiosyncrasies of real-life personalities. 

We used new to market technology from the first full HD GoPros - mounting 12 of them on our choppers and crew - to capturing all aerials on cinema worthy Cineflex 4ks - to ensure the Australian weather and landscape were prominent characters - to creating a cinematic look with Canon C300s and manual focus lenses - unheard of in the category at the time.

Broadcast in primetime on Australia’s largest TV network were Westpac branded helicopters, and pilots using ‘Westpac 1’ and ‘Westpac 2’ call signs. Priceless, powerful and most importantly subtle brand communication. 

TV broadcasts were supported by social media activity and online episodes that increased exposure, engagement and activity between the weekly TV episodes.

In total we created 6-10 30-minute episodes per year for 6 consecutive seasons broadcast on Australia’s largest TV network, Channel 7. The network was so impressed by the quality of the show they agreed to air it in their coveted 8pm primetime slot and run an extensive support campaign across TV and digital channels - something that had never been achieved for brand-funded content anywhere in Australia, on any network. 


• Over a quarter of the entire population of Australia tuned in to watch the show. 

• 6 weeks it was No.1 in its time slot for 6 weeks in Season 1

• Average audience of 1.41 million viewers. 

Impact on Brand Measures: (source: MillwardBrown) 

• Brand consideration increased by 6% during broadcast and up 15% amongst our target market. 

• 25% of people said they would consider Westpac for banking services as a result of seeing Air Rescue. 

• Corporate reputation grew 4% to its highest level recorded and jumped 22% against our target market. 

• 87% of people said Air Rescue highlighted the role Westpac plays in the community. 

• $2.2 million in PR value.

• ROI of 6x greater media value vs. traditional advertising.


Silver - The One Show - Branded Entertainment/ Television Branded Content - 2014

Cristal - Cristal Awards - Best Film, Series or Non-fiction Program - Branded Entertainment - 2014

Sapphire - Cristal Awards - Best Use or Integration of Experiential Events - Branded Entertainment - 2014

Winner - Australian Banking and Finance Magazine - Campaign of the Year - 2014

Winner - Campaign Brief Magazine 'The Work' - TV and Film - 2014

Bronze Global Festival of Media - Best Entertainment Platform - 2014

Highly Commended Festival of Media Asia - Best Entertainment Platform - 2014

Shortlist - Spikes Asia - Corporate Image & Information - 2014